Tuesday, June 8, 2010

King's Cup Masters - Rule Cheat Sheet

A side post to the details of the trip - over the course of this Euro-vacation, we have had the opportunity to drink with a lot of travellers from multiple countries. Yet, almost every person that we have met, regardless of the continent they are from, know how to play King's Cup/Sociables. We have collected, amended, and reinvented many rules and I have compiled a list of the different types of rules that we have used over the course of the trip, as well as my favourites that I have been using. To become a drinking game master check this comprehensive list out:

(1) Straight-Drinking Rules

a. Give One
b. Take two
c. Guys Drink (typically the Jack)
d. Girls Drink (typically the Queen)
e. Choose a Drinking Partner (choose a partner and everytime you drink, they have to drink and vice versa)
f. Waterfall (the person who draws the card starts drinking and in a clockwise direction everyone has to drink until the first person finishes drinking their drink)

(2) Simple Mini-Games

a. Rhyme Time
b. Story Time
c. Categories (choose a category and go around the group and make each person answer until someone can not think of an answer or repeats an answer that has already been stated)
***My personal favourite categories on this trip have been "Pick Up Lines", "Alternate Words for a guy/girl's private part" and "Countries" (The second person to go during the Countries category said London... not the sharpest tool in the shed).
d. Questions (you can only ask questions to each other until someone answers/does not ask a question)
e. Never Have I Ever (put up three fingers and each time you've done something you must put a finger down. The first person to have all their fingers down loses)

(3) Advanced Mini-Games

a. ____ Fuck Game (everyone chooses a single syllable name and ends it with "fuck"; clapping and chanting starts and each person has to say their name followed by another persons name to the rhythm as the chanting gets faster. I.e. Dumb fuck, dumb fuck better than a Lucky Fuck, lucky fuck, lucky fuck, better than a hard fuck etc.)
b. Actions Game (similar concept, except everyone chooses a distinguishable action)
c. Race Car (you pretend to drive a car and can either drive the same direction as the person that passes to you by saying "vroom" and passing to the next person or you can pass back by saying "urch" and steering back towards the person who passed to you in the first place)
d. Chicken Game (similar to race car but you must make a chicken sound to pass; you can also pass across by sending the action across and saying "cock-a-doodle-doo"; the person receiving must make an action and say "doodle-doodle-cock")
e. Goggles (similar to the chicken game but with different sounds and actions)
f. Boat Game (similar to the chicken game but with different sounds and actions; no passing across but you can pass right or left and skip people)
g. Ride The Bus (for the purpose of Sociables the person has 5 cards facing down and must guess if the next card in the sequential order is higher or lower than the former).

(4) Master Cards

a. Jizz Master
b. Thumb Master
c. Viking
d. Moose
e. Question Master (this person can ask questions and you must respond with "fuck you" or you drink)
f. Medusa (no other players can make eye contact with this person or else they must drink)
g. Bathroom Card Master

(5) Sevens Cards

a. Fuck You Game (You count from 1 to ____ (until someone messes up) and everytime the number has a 7 in it or is a multiple of 7 you say "Fuck You" and the order reverses)
b. Seven Heaven (You have to stand and reach up to the sky. The last person to do so must drink)

(6) Rule Card

My top 5 favourite rules that have been made in games (in no particular order):

a. Celebration (everytime you drink you have to celebrate with a cheer and action)
b. Buffalo (you must drink with your non-dominant hand for the rest of the game. If someone catches you drinking with your dominant hand they can yell Buffalo and you much chug the rest of your drink)
c. Accents (you must talk for the rest of the game with an accent)
d. No Pointing (this is REALLY hard!)
e. T-Rex Arms (for the rest of the game you have to pretend you have t-rex sized arms)

Nevertheless there are mutiple other rules that have been made with the rule card:

f. No Swearing
g. No saying Drink, Drank or Drink (CONSUME!!!!!!!)
h. No first names
i. You must sing everything
j. No saying pronouns
k. You must end every sentence with "In my pants"
l. You must end every sentence with an animal sound
m. Little green man
n. You must say "fuck" in every sentence
o. You must choose a drinking buddy

(7) Kings & Equivalent

a. Kings Cup (each time a person draws a king, they pour some of their drink into a cup set-up in the middle of the table. The last person to draw a king must drink the whole drink)
b. Break the Seal (someone purchases a can of beer and places it in the middle of the table. Each time someone draws a card they must fit it under the beer can tab. The first person to crack the beer must chug it)
c. Break the Circle (the cards are spread out in a circle and the first person to break the circle must chug their drink)

My Favourite Version of Sociables

Break The Seal is in effect and there are House Rules: no first names, no pointing, no swearing, no saying Drink, Drank or Drunk

A - Rule Card
2 - Ride the Bus
3 - Questions
4 - Story Time
5 - ____ Fuck Game
6 - Race Car
7 - Sevens "Fuck Game"
8 - Categories
9 - Rhyme Time
10 - Chicken Game
J - Jizz Master
Q - Question Master
K - Never Have I Ever

Favourite Alternate Drinking Game:

Confidence: A glass is handed around and you must put some of your drink in it (you can put as much or as little as you want). After pouring in your drink, you must draw a card and guess if it is red or black. If you are correct, you pass the glass to the next person and they must add some of their drink. If you are incorrect, you must drink whatever is in the glass.

Note: This game gets super messy if there are people with cocktails, beer, wine and blended drinks all playing!

Any suggestions for rules you like or would like to add to this list!?

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